Sasha Jones – Personal Stylist

Elevate Your Style

1 on 1 Personal Styling & Coaching

Creating a wardrobe and look that you love can feel so overwhelming, but what if I told you it can actually be easy to get dressed daily in an authentic way, no matter your lifestyle, budget, or body type? As women, we are constantly bombarded with the pressure to feel like we should inherently know our personal style, what to wear and how to wear it. Guess what? It is not always easy or inherent to us and that is why we have to get back to the basics.


I’m Sasha

As a style coach, I want you to know that looking and feeling your best while radiating confidence through your outward appearance can actually be easy, whatever your lifestyle, budget and body type! As a style expert and coach who deeply values educating my clients, I want to teach you the best way to truly curate and utilize your wardrobe.


What I Offer

Closet Consultation

Reclaim your unique style with a one‐on‐one Style Strategy Session with me. This is the quickest and most efficient way for you to achieve effortless style. 


Let’s go shopping . Half and Full day shopping available. Bring a friend and share the fun!

Personal Fashion

I’ll be your style Coach. Lets get together for a Style Strategy Session.

We can plan your style journey .

What I Do

Personal Styling , Accessories & Makeup

                            Clothing & Accessories

Hair & Makeup

Easy as 1,2,3

How It Works

Book a discovery call with me
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Fill in the questionnaire, it will help us make the most of our time  

Lets talk about your style journey.

Time to set some goals and make a plan

Let's begin

I cant wait to work with you and help you achieve your dreams

Fashion Made Easy

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Susan Davis

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